One of the many projects the Parish Council are committed to deliver is the regeneration of the Stage Field, an underused area of public land located in Silver Hill, a 30 minute walk from Hurst Green village via a public footpath.
After many working group meetings of residents and Councillors we are now on track to deliver accessible footpaths and trails, improved hedge rows, additional hedge rows to support wildlife, a new woodland walk, information boards, a wildflower meadow, an expanded parking area and to seek to re-establish the old stage tower, along with picnic facilities to encourage families and individuals to connect with our area’s history, and the High Weald National Landscape (formally called the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty).
We suspect it will take a year or two to deliver this plan and is dependent on the Council securing government grants however, on Saturday the 6th April 2024 some 420 saplings were planted to start the formation of the new hedge row and complete some of the boundary hedges.
We’re hoping to expand the team of volunteers, to help make this aim a reality, as well as hopefully working with partners, such as the Sussex Lund Foundation, and the Woodland Trust and others to create a stunning haven for wildlife and residents.
Could you be the change? Fancy being part of a group of volunteers who will work together to devise and create something amazing, please do send us your details via the volunteer interest form, or by letting the Clerk to the Council know (via clerk@hurstgreen-pc.gov.uk), we would love to have you on board.
Today’s challenges
“Would be great to have somewhere local other than the woods to walk the dog.”
Community survey 2019
“We need more accessible green spaces, we’re surrounded by fields, but they are all in private ownership.”
Community event 2018