Hurst Green is producing a neighbourhood plan. An important part of the process requires us to identify land within the Hurst Green Parish which has potential for new housing and other uses. We are particularly interested in sites for new housing which are within or adjacent to Hurst Green village, Swiftsden and Silver Hill.
Whilst the initial call for sites period ran from the 18th of June until 10th of August 2018, and an extended call for sites from 11th of August until January 2019, in-line with many local authorities, the call for sites process remains open for any new sites. Not all sites will be necessary or acceptable. The call for sites does not determine if a site should be allocated for development. It is a technical exercise aimed at identifying potential sites for development. With public consultation, the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group will then consider how and if to take each site forward.
Anyone with land which meets the above description and who would like it to be considered within the Plan is asked to register this interest with us. The easiest way to do this is by using the Call for Sites – Online Submission Form. This will give us the information we need to make sure your site is properly assessed.
Please do not submit sites that:
– already have planning permission for development unless it is being promoted for a different land use; or
– are wholly outside of Hurst Green parish; or
– are already included within the Rother District Council’s Draft Development and Site Allocations Local Plan (all sites within this draft plan will be automatically added to the assessment)
If you are unable to use the online forms, or would prefer a paper copy of the submission form, please contact the Clerk to the Council.
As part of the call for sites process we also asked to hear from local residents, business owners and other interested parties who wished to make suggestions of sites within the parish of Hurst Green that may be suitable for future development and inclusion in the Hurst Green Neighbourhood Plan, either for housing development or for the creation of new public spaces. Many residents took advantage of this, and a number of the sites in the process are a result of resident suggestions.