Hurst Green Parish Council has identified important areas of Local Green Space (LGS) across the Parish. These are areas that hold a particular importance to the community and, if designated in the Hurst Green Neighbourhood Plan, would be protected from inappropriate development, in the same way that Green Belt is protected.

Potential LGS sites were identified during public workshops, residents’ surveys, and two public Call for Sites exercises undertaken by Hurst Green Parish Council in 2018 and 2019. Input was also provided by members of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering
Group, local Parish Councillors, District Councillors and Rother District Council, as well as during the Council’s regulation 14 public consultation.

Whilst areas of open space and land of environmental value have always been valued by the Council, designation as a Local Green Space is something different.

Policy Background

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) makes clear that the Local Green Space designation should only be used where the green space is:

  • In reasonably close proximity to the community which it serves;
  • Is demonstrably special to a local community and holds a particular local significance because of its beauty, historic significance, recreational value (including as a playing field), tranquillity or richness of its wildlife; and
  • Local in character and not an extensive tract of land.

Note that Local Green Spaces do not need to be publicly accessible, nor would a designation change their access, ownership or management arrangements. LGS designation provides a similar level of protection consistent with policies to protect Green Belt.

Additional guidance on the designation is provided in the National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPF):

Proposed Local Green Spaces

  • Countryside passageway
  • Drewetts sports ground
  • Lodge field playing ground
  • School playing field
  • Silver Hill Stage field
  • Station Road Corner garden
  • Holy Trinity churchyard

Maps of Potential Local Green Spaces

July 2022 – Hurst Green pre-submission draft Neighbourhood Plan

October 2020 – Map of potential Hurst Green Local Green Space sites version 3

23 September 2020 – Map of potential Silver Hill Local Green Space sites version 1

What to do if you think a site is missing or disagree with a potential Local Green Space site?

Please let the Clerk to the Parish Council know if you would like to nominate an additional green space for consideration as an LGS. It would be helpful if you could include a brief explanation as to why you think the site is special, bearing in mind the criteria listed above.

All of the proposed Local Green Spaces will be assessed by the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group against the criteria set out in the NPPF. Where sites meet these tests they will be proposed as Local Green Space in the draft Neighbourhood Plan.

Where sites do not meet these tests, they will not be proposed. Residents, applicants and landowners are invited to comment on the LGS proposals at any time. Any comments submitted during the consultation periods will be considered as part of the neighbourhood plan preparation process and in line with The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 and The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012.