1) To secure and improve the long term future of our existing community leisure and cultural facilities for all ages.
2) To improve existing and plan for new outdoor recreation and sports facilities to meet community needs for all ages, including:
2.1) Enhancing the existing Drewett’s Field sporting and recreation facilities by creating a multi-use all-weather sports area, levelling and improving the existing football pitch, uncovering and repairing the lost tennis courts, installing an outdoor gym, a bike path and an outdoor grass amphitheatre for use by drama groups such as Comedy Capers.
2.2) To secure and promote the continued use of the village’s allotment site.
2.3) To investigate the level of interest and possibility of a site for an outdoor bowling green and an associated bowling club.
3) To promote the provision of a new leisure and cultural complex to address the future needs and well-being of the community including:
3.1) Replacing the existing Drewett’s Field pavilion with a new multi-use facility that includes changing facilities and adjacent car & cycle parking facilities.
4) Create diverse spaces for community members to gather, exercise and relax, while protecting and enhancing local open and green spaces, including:
4.1) Enhancing the existing children’s park, rejuvenating the area and replacing the aging play facilities with an inclusive and in-keeping immersive play experience.
4.2) Creating a new public nature reserve at Stage Field, Silver Hill, opening up acres of public land by planting a new wood, installing accessible footpaths and trails, providing information boards and facilities to encourage families and individuals to connect with the AONB and the superb views.
4.3) Preserving Burgh Wood and enhancing, through dialogue with the owners, access to the wood for all. Further possible initiatives include seeking permission to install map boards at the entrances and signposted walks.
4.4) Seek to establish a village green and new additional public green spaces for residents.
5) To improve and promote access to the countryside including:
5.1) Creating and signposting a circular walk to take walkers through or near to Hurst Green’s public open spaces.
5.2) Introducing new footpath signage and information boards that that provide relevant local history and natural and wildlife information throughout the parish.
5.3) Installing public map boards at key locations throughout the parish that show where our public spaces, facilities and key walking routes are located.
Today’s challenges
“sadly there’s no proper football pitch in the village so the various Hurst Green teams have to use those at Lamberhurst fields and Vinehall school.”
Local Resident
Community event 2018“what we need is a big recreation area with a football pitch, a place to ride bikes/skateboards, an outdoor gym, a basketball hoop and an area there where you can take dogs so that you can be with the children while they play or exercise.”
Local Resident
Community event 2018“…areas such as cricket field should be a communal centre for village – but it needs improved access, lighting and facilities for young and old.”
Local Resident
Community event 2019“all Hurst Green has is a poorly maintained play area, with vandalism, drinking, drug taking and lots of rubbish in the park.”
Local Resident
Resident survey 2019“I wish people would stop dumping rubbish in Burgh Wood.”
Local Resident
Community event 2018“There’s not enough open spaces and youth activities for young or teenage people, no wonder so many of them get up to trouble!”
Local Resident
Resident survey 2019For more quotes like these, view our collected evidence pages.