Remembering the 80th anniversary of D-Day

D-Day 80 - Hurst Green remembers by lighting beacon at Stage Field

Hurst Green remembers D-Day – the Normandy Landings were part of the largest seabourne invasion in history. The operation took place on 6 June 1944. This year, 2024, was the 80th anniversary of that event.

Known as D-Day, the historic operation saw the Allied Forces mount a large-scale invasion of Nazi-occupied France that ultimately changed the course of the Second World War in the Allies’ favour. 

Over 250 residents came together at Stage Field, chatted, laughed, enjoyed each other’s company but importantly paid our respects, took a moment of silence and ended by celebrating the freedom we enjoy today.

Our thanks to Caravan Tech our sponsors, and to the Robertsbridge Bonfire Society for the amazing finale tribute. 

The regeneration of Stage Field is one of the many projects the Parish Council are committed to deliver. Over the next few years the Council hope to deliver accessible footpaths, improved hedgerows to support wildlife, a new woodland walk, information boards, wildflower meadow, expanded parking area and to re-establish the old stage tower. If you are interested in joining the working group, please let us know, we would love to have you on board.

photograph of a tree sapling

Volunteers and Parish Councillors plant hedge

Volunteers and Parish Councillors gather to plant 400 saplings at Stage Field

One of the many projects the Parish Council are committed to deliver is the regeneration of the Stage Field. After many working group meetings of residents and Councillors, on Saturday 6th April 2024, volunteers and Parish Councillors gathered to plant 420 saplings to start the formation of a hedgerow, kicking off the first part of the regeneration of this area for the enjoyment of generations to come.

Over the next few years the Council hope to deliver accessible footpaths, improved hedgerows to support wildlife, a new woodland walk, information boards, wildflower meadow, expanded parking area and to re-establish the old stage tower.

If you are interested in joining the working group, please let us know, we would love to have you on board.