Local parking survey proves that Hurst Green does not have enough safe parking for residents

Following the Neighbourhood Plan Local Housing Demand Survey, the Neighbourhood Plan conducted a survey of local residents around their attitudes to car parking.  The respondents from around the Parish represented around a fifth of local households.

The design and the subsequent analysis was freely undertaken by volunteers from the Neighbourhood Plan and by Parish Councillors. 

Summary of results from residents completing the survey:

  • Nearly 70% of residents said they were unhappy with the parking situation in their road, rising to over 80% of residents who lived on Station Road and London Road.
  • 100% of residents who lived in Coronation Gardens, Foundry Close, Great Oak and Dairy Close were unhappy with the parking situation in their road.
  • 90% agreed that Hurst Green does not have enough available and safe car parking for residents.
  • Nearly a quarter of residents reported that their car or vehicle had been damaged whilst parked on the road or pavement around Hurst Green.  While less than 3% of residents thought it was safe to park or leave their vehicle parked on the A21.
  • 91% of respondents were concerned about people parking on the pavements and grass verges around Hurst Green.
  • 85% of respondents were concerned about parking on Station Road (the road the Village Hall is on) near to the junction of the A21.
  • 71% of respondents would be supportive of the Parish Council providing nearby allocated car parking spaces to rent at low cost.
  • 82% of respondents were supportive of double yellow lines near to road junctions in and around Hurst Green.

Read the full survey results:
Evidence #36 – Hurst Green Neighbourhood Plan local car parking survey


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