Council runs formal Public Consultation

Council completes Public Consultation on the draft pre-submission Neighbourhood Plan

In accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 
(as amended), the Parish Council have undertaken a formal public consultation on the Pre-Submission Version of the Hurst Green Parish Neighbourhood Plan,
which ran from the 27th July to the 17th September 2022.

For more information and to access the draft plan and consultation materials please visit:

Revised London Road (north) application​

Revised London Road (north) planning application

The landowners and developers behind the London Road (HG 6) possible housing site have applied for planning permission ahead of the Neighbourhood Plan
being completed. 
The site is adjacent to the Hurst Green Development Boundary.  The area like the entire parish, falls within the High Weald Area of
Outstanding Natural 
Beauty (AONB). 

The planning documents indicate that the development of site is for 26 new homes, some new public open space and the provision of a
car park for the village church.

View the application and read the supporting documents here:

photograph of a mile stone marker

Council launches formal Public Consultation

Public Consultation on draft pre-submission Hurst Green Neighbourhood Plan

In accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 
(as amended), notice is given that a formal public consultation on the Pre-Submission Version of the Hurst Green Parish Neighbourhood Plan
will run from 9am on Wednesday 27 July to 5pm on Saturday 17 September 2022.

For more information and to access the draft plan and consultation materials please visit:

Revised London Road (south) application​

Revised London Road (south) planning application

The developers and landowners behind the London Road (HG22/HG43) site have applied for planning permission ahead of the Neighbourhood Plan
being completed.
The site was first identified as a possibility for new housing in 2018 and is adjacent to the Hurst Green Development Boundary.
The area like the entire parish, falls within the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). 
This application (RR/2022/1526/P) is a revision of the original application (RR/2021/1816/P), which was withdrawn in March 2022.
View the application and read the supporting documents here:

London Road (north) planning application​

London Road (north) planning application

The landowners and developers behind the London Road (HG 6) possible housing site have applied for planning permission ahead of the Neighbourhood Plan
being completed. 
The site is adjacent to the Hurst Green Development Boundary.  The area like the entire parish, falls within the High Weald Area of
Outstanding Natural 
Beauty (AONB). 

The planning documents indicate that the development of site is for 26 new homes, some new public open space and the provision of a
car park for the village church.

View the application and read the supporting documents here:

Perspective Sketch of Foundry Close development

Optivo acquires approved Foundry Close scheme

Housing association, Optivo acquires HG35 Foundry Close scheme

** November 2021 **

The Parish Council and the Neighbourhood Plan understand from Rother District Council that Optivo (a Housing Association that already owns and manages affordable housing in Hurst Green) have agreed a package deal with the landowners of the HG35, and with Greymoor Homes for them to build the housing development. 

The approved scheme was for 20 homes. The planning permission sets out a requirement for 6 of the homes to be for Affordable Rent and 2 of the homes for Shared Ownership. The remaining 12 homes were due to be for open market sale, as per Rother District Council policy, however we understand that Optivo are proposing for those 12 homes to be for Shared Ownership sale. 

Shared Ownership is a form of low cost home ownership that allows first time buyers who can’t afford to purchase on the open market to buy their own home and make a start on the housing ownership ladder. Buyers begin by purchasing a share of between 25% and 75%, and then over time can purchase further shares until fully owned.

We understand that Optivo are also seeking to change the approved housing mix, reducing the number of 4 bedroom properties from 7 to 3, changing these instead to 3 bedroom properties.

View the original Parish Council’s response to the planning application here:

London Road (south) planning application​

London Road (south) planning application

The developers and landowners behind the London Road (HG22/HG43) site have applied for planning permission ahead of the Neighbourhood Plan being completed.
The site was first identified as a possibility for new housing in 2018 and is adjacent to the Hurst Green Development Boundary.
The area like the entire parish, falls within the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). 
View the application and read the supporting documents here:

picture of a roadside curb

Hurst Green housing report on affordable housing

The Parish Council has commissioned a report, funded by a Central Government grant, as part of the evidence base for the emerging neighbourhood plan.

Whilst homes in the parish continue to be more affordable than in neighbouring settlements, sadly homes to purchase in Hurst Green continue to be beyond the scope of many.

Current evidence points towards a need for between eight and 30 affordable homes to be delivered over the Plan period in Hurst Green. The report states that this should be achievable through the allocation of sites in the Neighbourhood Plan, in addition to the site already having planning permission, however only where the affordable threshold is fully met. 

The Local Call for Sites and subsequent Site Assessment process for the Neighbourhood Plan has revealed sufficient sites within and adjacent to Hurst Green Village to deliver the required quantum of development, including the affordable quota. That said, this would be focussed on the village of Hurst Green rather than the outlying settlements. Whilst the evidence on housing need demonstrates that the focus of need is in Hurst Green village, a modest affordable housing need in Silver Hill exists. Silver Hill does not have a development boundary and is therefore considered as ‘countryside’ in local planning terms. Despite this, the report highlights that consideration needs to be given as to whether any of the sites in Silver Hill might be suitable for residential development and, if so, whether there might be a case to argue for their inclusion within the overall housing target.

The full report is at:

Promoter of the potential housing site, HG6 to hold public exhibition

The Parish Council has received a letter from the site promoters / landowners of the HG 6 potential housing site to inform us that they will be holding a public exhibition outside of the neighbourhood plan process, where they will be presenting their thoughts for a residential development on Land at London Road (HG6), before they seek to advance an application for Planning Permission.  

The exhibition is to take place outside the former Hurst Green Community Shop, on the 9th of July 2021 between 12:00pm (noon) and 8:00pm.

According to the invitation, members of the site promoter’s team, Wooldridge Developments, will be on hand to answer resident questions.