
map of proposed block plan for HG 23 site

New London Road planning application​

New London Road planning application

* Update April 2020 – refused by Rother District Council 14th October 2019 and subsequently refused at Appeal on the 1st of April 2020. *

Rother District Council have informed the Hurst Green Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group that the developers behind the HG 23 site, (which is adjacent to Pentwood Place on London Road), have applied for outline planning permission ahead of the Neighbourhood Plan being completed.  

Selected items relating to the application:

  • The outline application is for one, 4/5-bedroom detached home.
  • The proposal doesn’t include provision for affordable housing.
  • The site is situated at the north end of Hurst Green village, and is outside of the development boundary of Hurst Green village.

View the application and read the supporting documents here: